Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Trip Home

The journey home was a long one! We got to the Stockholm airport before 4 AM and had a pile of stuff and bodies ready to check in. We all flew to Amsterdam together and then split back into our 2 groups to fly back into the US. The security was something else since the same flight group 1 was on had the incident with the Nigerian bomber wanna be! We were patted down, up and sideways and they looked at everything in all of our carry-ons. Met back up at the Denver airport at baggage claim since our flights were only minutes apart. Said our good byes and headed different directions. The traffic from the mountains was horrible so a few "pick up rides" did not make it or were pretty late. Now it's back to reality...work and school.

FUN times and Great memories...

Here are a few funny things people said on the trip (if you think of more, send them to Carri via email and we will post them):

"Boy, they all drive foreign cars over here." (Aaah, foreign there would be a Ford)
Deb Jordan

After the people on the plane into St. Petersburg cheered when we landed -
"This must be an unusual occurrance" JP Sunderland

"There now is a 2 drink maximum for the adults" Louise Funk

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